Nguyen, Harmony/Huong

Huong or Harmony Nguyen, 26, they/them. Huong identifies as a multi-racial (viet/chinese/white) and trans interdicisplinary artist, their goal is to use art as a tool explore their identity and break cultural norms. In 2014, Harmony worked as a freelance artist selling ceramics and showing in local galleries. They began teaching in 2015 with the Grand Rapids Public Museum School's lyceum program and Heartside Gallery's clay studio as a volunteer. Since then, they have been empowered to make clay a more accessible medium. They received an Associate of Fine Arts from GRCC (2015) and Bachelors of Science in Art History from KCAD (2020). Huong is currently working as an arts educator for GAAH, producer/host of The Guest List on WYCE, aspiring historian, and artist!


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